…is the likeness of the spider who buildeth her a house.
Qur’an, XXIX:41
Aleph is a dance for the lost ones
The performance is a meditation upon the beginning of life and humanity’s desire towards finality. This desire towards an end of all things is evident from the oracles and prophets scattered across human history – they speak of a doom that can be traced to the very beginning of each human life. The mystery that veils such beginnings is a point of reference for intimating a dance beyond that which reason fathoms – the world of faith.
s where SIBYL finds herself, in the midst of life, but also before and after it. With emphasis on their strong stage presence and radical expression, Iraqi Bodies have once again created a piece unique to Teater Trixter's venue.Through the piece, 23 spectators are invited to witness character(s) torn
between the banal, the profane and the sacred.
Though he slay me, yet will I trust in him.
Job 13:15
Created by Anmar Taha & Josephine Gray
Light -and sound technician: Miranda Seiborg Wikström
Production: Iraqi Bodies
With support from the Gothenburg Arts and Cultural Affairs Committee